Donjoy FullForce Ligament Knee Brace Review
- Installation / Setup
- Durability
- Maintenance
- Breathability
• Lightweight aluminum frame provides comfort and durability
• Improves natural gait
• Reduces the amount of time your knee is in an “at risk” position
• A little pricier than other braces
• Separate neoprene sleeve recommended to prevent brace from sliding
This Donjoy Knee Brace is one of the most highly recommended braces for protecting the ACL from injury or recovering from ACL surgery. Specifically designed to treat moderate to severe ACL problems, ACL reconstruction surgery, and hyperextension, this brace is capable of addressing any ACL instability you have. We hope you find this knee brace review helpful.
This FullForce Knee Brace is often worn by athletes who suffer from ACL problems who can’t afford to be weighed down by a heavy brace. It’s well-suited for contact sports like football, hockey, lacrosse, as well as other activities like baseball, cycling, walking and hiking. This brace is an excellent choice for anyone who is recovering from an ACL injury or is trying to prevent one. With its FourcePoint Hinge and FullForce’s 4-Points-of-Leverage system, ACL instabilities are easily corrected. This means that injuries don’t have to occur before you start using this brace – it greatly decreases your chances of ever getting hurt in the first place.
The Fource Point Hinge and 4-Points-of-Leverage system are what make this brace so successful in treating ACL problems. The 4-Points-of-Leverage system was developed to reduce the strain on your ACL by distributing the load placed on your ligament to four specific points, two anterior and two posterior. Meanwhile the FourcePoint Hinge reduces your risk of suffering an injury (or re-injuring your knee) by minimizing the amount of time your knee is in an “at risk” position. This is accomplished by applying progressive resistance throughout movement.
There aren’t many cons to be found with this knee brace. It’s perfect for everyday use and demanding physical activities and easily adjusted for a comfortable, personal fit. It is a little more expensive than other braces you can get to treat ACL injuries but there really isn’t a brace to compare it to in terms of comfort, support, and protection. You may want to consider buying the separate neoprene sleeve to wear under the brace just to reduce the risk of sliding or rubbing over time but that’s more of a personal preference than anything else.
Overall Opinion – If you’re dealing with ACL problems, Donjoy’s FullForce Ligament Knee Brace comes highly recommended for serious athletes, weekend warriors, and every day workers. It comes with a hefty price tag but you’ll get a lot of mileage out of this brace. It’s also a great confidence booster and anyone who’s ever suffered an ACL injury knows how important it is to be able to trust your knee again. The FullForce knee brace helps make that possible.
Product Demonstration
What Others Are Saying
“Considering I’ve had acl replacement and have the upper end knee braces, this was the first knee brace I could wear all day with comfort and not haveing to pull it up or even adjust the brace even once through out the day. I’ve wore it at work numerous times and for me to walk 5 to 6 miles in a day is normal, thats clocked with my pedometer. I’d give this brace an A+” – Amazon
“I’ve had knee problems for years, and 2 Donjoy rigid knee braces in the past that no longer fit me. This is the most amazing and comfortable knee brace I’ve ever had! I have MCL and ACL instabilities and with this brace I’m finally off crutches and able to walk again! I would definitely recommend this amazing brace to everyone!” – Amazon
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